One Thousand Days Transformed - The Campaign for Cedarville

About the BA in Communication Degree

Why Study Communication at Cedarville?

沙巴体育独特的基督教传播文学学士学位将使你成为一个专业的“桥梁”,连接你所在组织内外的人群. On a campus completely committed to God's Word, 你将学会在运用批判性思维技能来传达改变生活的信息方面取得卓越成就. 如果你有求知欲和创造性表达的热情, then the communication program is for you!

有了这个学位, 你将准备成为社会媒体管理等需求领域的创新领导者, 政治消息, 活动策划, 业务 communication, 专业 research, 非营利组织的宣传, and media content development. Having studied from a truly biblical worldview, 毕业后,你将准备好与人合作,并在你的职业生涯中以荣耀基督的方式有效地领导.

请求的信息 访问

What Sets Cedarville Apart?


BA in Communication Program Highlights

圣经 – Through the integration of biblical, 专业, and scholarly knowledge, 你的沟通学位将装备你改变世界,因为你参与文化与基督的心和思想.

Critical Competencies – Coursework in the major develops critical competencies in leadership, 解决问题, 批判性思维, 创造力, 以及在这两份工作中获得晋升所必需的广泛的沟通技巧 研究生院.

My 1000 Days: Kaylee Probst

22岁的Kaylee Probst分享了她在雪松维尔大学的1000天如何帮助她在信仰中成长,并为她的未来做准备.

可定制的 – Working with an advisor, 您将根据您的职业目标从三个专业中选择定制您的学位. 选择:

  • Organizational Communication -组织沟通集中将你的技能用于组织环境中的内部和外部沟通. After taking courses like Interviewing, Organizational 谈判, 及人力资源, 你将能够帮助组织内部沟通,并在外部保持竞争优势. 组织沟通将组织维系在一起,并像脚手架一样为组织提供支持 建筑.
  • Advocacy Communication 公共沟通是人们交换思想时所产生的互动. 它不仅关注信息和思想的传递,还关注人们如何与这些信息和思想互动 的想法. 公共传播是政治、经济和社会问题的中心. Courses like Persuasive Theory, Speechwriting for the Professional, 当代修辞学将使你能够以一种影响他人的方式进行交流 spurs them toward action.
  • Strategic Communication 战略沟通将组织的日常活动与其长期目标结合在一起. 它包括公共关系和广告等领域,仅举几例. 这个浓度 is used not only within corporations but also within nonprofit organizations. Courses like Event Planning, Advocacy Communication, and Organizational Leadership will prepare you to offer strategic, actionable plans to any organization.
  • 两个女人坐在一张桌子旁,背景是透过窗户看到的雪松湖.

    Cedarville Magazine - Called To Communicate

    我们有一种喜悦,可以传扬这有史以来最伟大的故事:耶稣基督的福音. 沙巴体育正在尽自己的一份力量,装备门徒有效和大胆地为基督沟通的工具.
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What Can You Do With a Communication Degree?


  • Consultation programs
  • Corporate executive training
  • 活动策划
  • 媒体通信
  • Personnel management
  • 公共关系
  • Social media manager
  • Professional research
  • Content developer for media

Our graduates are working for the FBI, 菲尔, Reynolds and Reynolds, 通用汽车(General Motors), 陶氏化学公司, 可口可乐公司., 关注家庭, just to name a few.

研究生和专业项目以及雇主每年都欢迎沙巴体育的毕业生. 重要的是要注意,一些专业的职业领域可能需要额外的教育, 经验, 和/或在完成雪松维尔大学本科学位之后获得的许可证.


We’re proud of our successful graduates! 97.传媒系应届毕业生中有1%在毕业后六个月内就业或进入研究生院. Check out Cedarville's other placement rates.

Opportunities to Learn Outside the Classroom



实习 give students real-world work 经验 within their 所选领域. Our students have completed internships with Athletes in Action, 关注家庭, 希望国际, 阿斯利康, 等.

Practical Experience

  • 回响广播 — 回响广播 特色是一个24/7的流,可以通过雪松网(雪松维尔的校园电脑)独家听到 网络)和, 除了, 提供针对塞达维尔大学学生群体的点播节目.
  • 香柏树 — 香柏树 是学生制作的,每学年出版几次的获奖报纸吗.

Student Organizations

  •  -全国传播荣誉协会的沙巴体育分会承认, 鼓励, and rewards outstanding scholastic achievement.
  • 营销团队 -传播系营销团队由学生组成,他们制定计划向内部和外部受众推销该系.


  • 辩论队 -沙巴体育辩论队通过NPDA(全国议会辩论协会)与美国各地的学院和大学竞争, which is the largest debate organization 在乡下. Students who plan on pursuing careers in ministry, 法律, 教育, 业务, or politics are encouraged to join the team. A  辩论奖学金 is 可用.
  • 取证 — 取证 is an intercollegiate competition. Students compete in areas such as public speaking, oral interpretations, limited preparation events, and Lincoln-Douglas debate. A  取证 Scholarship 是可用的.


Building on your core liberal arts and Bible minor courses, you will take core communication courses as well as courses specific to your chosen concentration.

This major is offered with either a 三年 or four-year completion plan.

This major offers an accelerated bachelor's-to-master's pathway for students interested in pursuing their MBA.


  • 媒体分析
  • Virtual Communication

Start Your Degree in High School!

Save time and money in college by taking dual enrollment courses now. 了解如何在短短三年内完成你的沟通学位 双录取 三年的途径.

Explore the 双录取 Pathway

Program Format and 相关的项目

锡达维尔提供研究生和本科课程,有灵活的完成选择. You may also want to 当你考虑最适合你的学位或项目时,请考虑这些相关的项目.

Program Level and Format

  • 本科
  • 住宅
  • 三年的选择
  • 四年
People seated and smiling in a room full of people


Job and Grad School Placement


Photo of Derrick Green


Chair, Assistant Professor of Communication


Photo of Chuck Elliott


Senior Professor of Communication


丹尼尔·D摄. Fultz

丹尼尔·D. Fultz博士

Professor of Communication


安德鲁J摄. 哈里斯

安德鲁J. 哈里斯博士

Associate Professor of Communication


Eric Mishne摄

Eric Mishne, MA

Assistant Professor of Communication, Director of 取证

